Sports Premium
At West Thornton Primary Academy we encourage children to develop healthy, active lifestyles. The PE funding is being used to develop and extend PE provision based on the needs and interests of our children. Children have access to a wider range of sports and activities which encourage them to participate and compete in the school and borough.
Nature of Provision
West Thornton employs a sport and PE facilitator who is partially funded by the sport premium grant. The PE facilitator works alongside teaching staff to ensure high quality planning and teaching of PE resulting in:
- every child in KS1 and KS2 receiving quality sports coaching
- a Change4life before school club for children from year 1 upwards where children take part in activities and are provided with fruit before starting their school day
- an increased level of participation in competitive school sports
- an increase in children participating in inter-school sports competitions and qualifying for the London Youth Games
- curriculum development, consistency in assessment and all children showing progress in sporting skills and abilities
- development of school sports days where children use the skills which they have developed through the year and increase in parent participation
- hosting sporting events and meetings with local schools
- introducing a wider variety of school sports teams as requested by pupils including basketball and girls football
In addition to this the PE grant has been used to fund membership of the Croydon Schools Sports Partnerships (CSSP), benefits have included:
- giving staff the opportunity to continue to develop their skills in the teaching of PE (CPD)
- working alongside the PE facilitator to develop and train Young Leaders to run festivals in school and offer support in the delivery of school sporting activities. The academy has participated in competitive sport including; football, netball, basket ball, athletics, rugby and cricket.
- being part of a network of schools in the borough who compete in a wide variety of sporting activities which has resulted in an increase in involvement of competitive sports.
- receiving equipment and training allowing the development of skills in new and interesting ways
Impact of sport premium funding:
- increase in skills and abilities in PE and sports across all year groups
- increase in knowledge and understanding of having a healthy, active lifestyle
- participation in local/ borough competitions
- raised profile of PE and sports at West Thornton
- increase in confidence and skills of staff in the teaching of PE
- children working with specialised qualified sports coaches and experiencing new sports
- children having a greater awareness of sports in the news and knowledge professional sportsmen and women.